Come and get to know the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics!

If you are a high school graduate or a high school student interested in natural sciences, mathematics, or computer science, come to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics on March 22, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. On that day, the faculty opens its doors and organizes the event “Get to Know the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Enter the World of Science”.

You will have the opportunity to visit a series of workshops and, together with professors and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, carry out various experiments, analyze interesting exhibits, and get acquainted with the beauty of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. On that day, the aquarium and planetarium of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will be open, and presentations will be organized to showcase what you can study at the faculty.

We invite all interested students to come to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and learn about the possibility of studying: biology, geography, GIS, tourism, ecology and environmental protection, mathematics, computer science, spatial planning, technical education, physics, and chemistry.