Online Info Day: Enrollment at the FNSM – Find out everything you’re interested in!

If you’re interested in what you can study at the FNSM, what subjects are covered in the entrance exam, how to best prepare for it, when preparatory classes are held, which documents are needed for enrollment, and you’re unable to visit us in person – no problem, on April 29th, we’re organizing an Online Info Day. On that day, from 12 to 2 PM, Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Vice Dean for academic affairs, and Dr. Milana Grbić, Vice Dean for science and research, will answer all your questions. All you need to do is fill out the Google Form, and you’ll receive a link via email to access the Online Info Day at FNSM.

Join us at the Online Info Day at FNSM and learn about the opportunities to study: biology, geography, GIS, tourism, ecology and environmental protection, mathematics, computer science, spatial planning, technical education, physics, and chemistry at FNSM.

Registration link:

Cover photo: Mile Lekić, FNSM student