Agreement Signed Between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Center for Demographic Research

On May 27, 2024, at the premises of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, a Business-Technical Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, and the Center for Demographic Research.

The signatories of the agreement will inform each other about their human, technical, and technological potentials and, based on this information, assist each other in utilizing these resources. This collaboration will contribute to establishing and developing business cooperation with a mutual desire for effective and professional work, thereby contributing to the successful joint development and operations.

The agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić, and the President of the Center for Demographic Research, Prof. Dr. Draško Marinković.

Author of the text: Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Full Professor