A Successful Participation of the FNSM in the Science Festival!

On May 23 and 24, 2024, the 12th Science Festival was held in Banja Luka, in which the FNSM actively participated.

The Science Festival was organized by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of the Government of the Republic of Srpska. This year’s festival brought together 21 faculties from the University of Banja Luka and the University of East Sarajevo, the Institute for Genetic Resources at the University of Banja Luka, the Police Training Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RS, and several high schools from Banja Luka.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics played a significant role in this year’s festival, offering numerous activities that attracted a large number of visitors. Exhibits and experiments from PMF, such as Lokva – the “museum of living fossils,” “The Dream of a Lake,” “Let’s Orient Ourselves on the Map and in Space!,” the Magic Square, the Fountain in a Glass, the Bell Model, and the Genie in a Bottle, were displayed in the sports hall in the University City, University of Banja Luka. Part of the Science Festival was also held at PMF itself, where numerous visitors had the opportunity to visit the planetarium, aquarium, and terrarium over the two days, thus getting acquainted with various aspects of natural sciences.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in and supported this year’s Science Festival, especially the teachers, assistants, and student volunteers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Their work and dedication were crucial to the success of this significant event, which showcased the intriguing side of science, popularized it, and inspired young people to take an interest in scientific research and education.

Author of the text: Dr. Milana Grbić, Assistant Professor

Cover photo taken from the UNIBL website.