Closing of the successfully implemented project “Small School of Physics”

On Friday, December 22, 2023, in the amphitheater of our faculty, the closing ceremony of the successfully implemented project “Small School of Physics” took place.

The project was led by the teaching staff of the Physics Study Program and representatives of the Citizens’ Association “BOSON.” The project was supported by the Republic Pedagogical Institute and co-financed by the City of Banja Luka. Over the past period, about 200 students from seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of elementary schools located in the territory of Banja Luka participated in tailored training to master the procedures and methods of measurement through direct experimental work in the laboratory. Under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Dragana Malivuk Gak, Assoc. Dr. Snjezana Dupljanin, and Mr. Bojan Kovacevic, along with the assistance of associates, laboratory staff, and students, students developed critical thinking skills, and they had the opportunity to master the systematization, analysis, and discussion of results obtained in experiments, with the adapted use of statistical software packages. The preparation and implementation of project activities lasted for six months.

In the introductory part of the program, the project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Dragana Malivuk Gak, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, expressing gratitude to all project participants for successful collaboration and dedicated work. She expressed satisfaction with the successful achievement of set goals in recent months and presented certificates of appreciation to project partners, school representatives, and all those who enthusiastically contributed to the successful implementation of the project.

Next, astrophysicist Assoc. Dr. Nemanja Rakic delivered a scientific-popular lecture titled “A Short Story about the Universe.” During the lecture, the audience had the opportunity to learn about current findings on the mysterious universe, its structure, galaxies, star formation, supernova explosions, black holes, and numerous objects and phenomena that inhabit this partially visible and known space to us. The lecture aimed to stimulate interest in this area of research, expanding our knowledge of the cosmos and the possibilities to better understand our position and role in this magnificent cosmic environment, leaving room to discover new chapters.