Student mobility

Student Mobility

Student mobility represents a crucial component of the modern education system, offering students a unique opportunity to gain valuable experiences beyond their home institution. Student mobility encourages diversity, enhances language skills, fosters mutual understanding, and promotes interculturality. Additionally, internships and practical training abroad provide students with the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in the real world, acquiring practical skills and expanding their professional network.

One key aspect of student mobility is exchange programs, where students have the opportunity to study abroad and explore different cultures. Students from the University of Banja Luka can apply to various student exchange programs. The program that offers the most opportunities for exchange is Erasmus+ (KA107) – International Credit Exchange. A significant number of our students have utilized this program for exchanges, and the feedback upon completion has been exceptionally positive. Applications for mobility programs within the Erasmus+ (KA107) program are based on open calls at the faculty or university level. Within this program, student exchange can last from three (3) to 12 months for study purposes and from two (2) to 12 months for internships.

Students can also apply for calls within the CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) network. These activities are carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The implementation of this program continues in the coming years through the realization of the CEEPUS III program. Visit the page for more information.

Students from the University of Banja Luka can also engage in internships abroad through the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (AESTE). The link to the AESTE exchange platform is