Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

The journal accepts only those papers that have not been previously published elsewhere (except abstracts in conference proceedings), and they are classified as follows:

  • Original scientific paper
  • Previous/brief communication
  • Review article
  • Scientific critique
  • Informative contribution (introduction, commentary, etc.)
  • Book, instrument, software, case study, scientific event review, etc.

Submitted manuscripts that meet the above criteria will be considered and undergo double-blind peer review before publication. Considering the same criteria, the journal may also publish papers from conferences, symposiums, or congresses organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, as special issues.

Papers, with all figures and tables, should be sent electronically to The acceptable formats for documents are .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word document). Papers should be submitted in English and Serbian or only in English. Authors will be notified of the receipt of papers by email. Detailed instructions can be found here.