Study physics at the FNSM!

Do you want to explore the depths of the universe, understand the fundamental laws of nature, and create innovations that change the world and contribute to global progress? We invite you to explore the world of physics!

By studying physics, you develop critical thinking, analytical skills, the ability to adapt while solving new problems or creating models/developing existing ones. Through laboratory exercises and theoretical analyses, you gain tools that enable you understanding of complex phenomena, but also the opportunity to apply your knowledge in numerous fields. Physicists are in demand in research institutions, laboratories, educational institutions, industry, medicine, finance, and even in areas dealing with artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

You can study physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in the Physics Study Program. After completing your studies, you can become a Bechelor of  Science in Physics (read more here) or a Graduate Teacher of Physics (read more here).

It is the right time to join the community of physicists and the exciting discipline that allows you to develop your potential!