A conference of chemistry teachers with business representatives was opened

The conference on improving the quality of chemistry teaching in secondary schools as part of the Erasmus+ project ChemTeach (101129417-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET) began on March 25, 2024 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics with a discussion of chemistry teachers with business representatives. The opening of the conference was attended by the coordinator of the ChemTeach project, Prof. Dr. Ivan Španik from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, as well as teams from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Medical School, Gymnasium, and School of Technology, all from Banja Luka.

Representatives of public and private companies and laboratories, public institutes, higher education institutions, as well as teachers of secondary vocational schools and gymnasiums raised numerous questions during the discussion about the state, quality and perspective of professions in the field of chemistry at the level of secondary and higher education. This activity represents the first step in defining the needs of chemistry teachers in order to improve the teaching process and develop modern experimental and digital teaching tools. On behalf of the host, the opening of the conference was attended by professor Aleksandra Petrašević, PhD, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs and assistant professor Milana Grbić, PhD, Vice-Dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics.

In the continuation of the conference, which will last until March 29, 2024, it is planned to hold various workshops in the field of modern teaching methods, which are open to all interested chemistry teachers according to the program.

Text: Prof. Milica Balaban, PhD
Photos: Dejana Savić, MSc