Archives March 2024

Next Generation: Lanaco Company and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics join forces again

This year, we are proud of the successful completion of professional student practice at the Lanaco Company. Under the mentorship of experts from Lanaco, students of the Computer Science and Mathematics have completed their summer semester practice, specially organized for students of our faculty. Over the past few days, students had the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). By solving real-world problems using AI/ML techniques, students gained valuable experience working on projects in a real-world environment, which will greatly benefit their further professional development.

We express our gratitude to Lanaco Company for providing this opportunity to our students and look forward to future collaboration.

Text author: prof. dr Dragan Matić

The 11th Memorial Scientific Meeting on Environmental Protection “Dr. Milena Dalmacija”

11th Memorial Scientific Conference on Environmental Protection “Docent Dr. Milena
integrated with the 1st Advanced Wastewater Treatments Spring School –
will be held from April 1 to 4, 2024. at the University of Novi Sad.
The meeting organized by the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental
Protection of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, the "Dr. Milena
Dalmacija" Foundation, the SmartWaterTwin Horizon Europe project, the BEuSED project and
The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
The deadline for papers submition is March 15, 2024 and participation at the meeting is free
of charge.

You can find additional information at the link

Text author: Prof. Dr. Zvjezdana Sandić

Study chemistry at FNSM!

If you have an adventurous spirit and a curiosity to better understand nature and the world around you, immersing yourself in the fascinating realm of chemistry is the perfect choice. The knowledge and skills acquired through both theory and experiments will pave the way for you, leading to an endless field of research. This journey involves discovering the composition and structure of various materials, ensuring the quality of finished products, and even creating innovative solutions.

The challenges faced by modern society, such as reducing pollution, preserving a healthy environment, and addressing the need for synthesizing new compounds, present chemists with the significant task of continual improvement and finding novel solutions. Through collaborative teamwork, we will equip you with the skills to analyze data, solve problems, develop critical thinking, and generate innovative ideas.

If your dream involves sharing your acquired knowledge with students in primary and secondary schools, you’re in the right place. We emphasize nurturing the teaching profession, recognizing the vital role of chemistry professors in education. Therefore, we will guide you in acquiring the necessary skills and teaching methods for the classroom.

Chemistry is omnipresent in your surroundings! Take a bold step into a new chapter of life!

You can pursue your chemistry studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, specifically in the Chemistry Study Program. Whether you aspire to become a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (learn more here) or a Graduate Teacher of Chemistry (discover more here), FNSM offers a platform for your academic and professional growth.

Erasmus+ Project ChemTeach Has Officially Started

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named “Improvement the quality of chemistry teaching in vocational education in Bosnia and Herzegovina – ChemTeach” was held on the 21st and 22nd February 2024 in Bratislava. The coordinator of the project is the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, i.e. the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of this university, with which the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has been cooperating for many years. Five secondary schools in which chemistry is an important subject in the teaching process participate in the implementation of the ChemTeach project. These are the Secondary School of Chemistry from Bratislava, the Higher Secondary School of Chemistry from the Czech city of Pardubice, and three schools from Banja Luka – Gymnasium, Medical School, and Technological School.

The goal of the project is to develop experimental methods and digital tools tailored to students, to connect scientific concepts with everyday life, and to create manuals with digital teaching material, which will contribute to the competencies of teachers. These activities will certainly contribute to the modernization of teaching at our Faculty and provide guidelines for curriculum development for future chemistry professors. Special attention will be devoted to communication with representatives of the companies and institutes to ensure relevance in terms of the needs of the economy for appropriate chemical knowledge and skills. At the kick-off meeting, the first project activities that will take place at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the end of March were announced, and our team was represented by Sanja Pržulj, Dragana Gajić, and Dejana Savić, assistants of the Department of Chemistry.

Author of the text: Prof. Milica Balaban

Study ecology at the FNSM!

If you’ve always been drawn to the beauty of nature and want to contribute to the preservation of the planet, studying ecology is your path to realizing that dream. Through the exploration of species, ecosystems, sustainable development, and solving environmental challenges, as a future ecology student, you gain the knowledge and skills necessary for preserving the living world. This program is not just a call to activism but also an opportunity to deeply immerse yourself in topics like climate change and biodiversity conservation. By studying ecology, you become a catalyst for positive change, and your dedication becomes the key to protecting our planet. This is your invitation to join the global ecological community and become a guardian of nature shaping the future world. The adventure begins at the FNSM, on your path to preserving and shaping the ecological future.

You can study ecology and environmental protection at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics through the Study program of Ecology and Environmental Protection, either in the general direction where you become a Bachelor of Science in Ecology (more information is available here) or in the teaching direction where you become a Bachelor of Education in Ecology (more information is available here).