Study mathematics at the FNSM!

If you are fascinated by the magical world of numbers and solving various mathematical problems, then studying mathematics at the FNSM is the right choice for you! Mathematics is much more than simple calculations – it is the language that reveals the laws of nature, advances technology, and finds solutions to the most complex problems.

At the FNSM, you have the opportunity to learn from top experts in the field of mathematics who will impart their knowledge to you through interactive lectures, exercises, and engaging mathematical projects. With their support, you’ll be able to explore the latest mathematical concepts and discover the hidden world of the queen of all sciences.

Studying on the general mathematics and computer science at the FNSM opens doors to many career opportunities – from jobs in banking, finance, to research in academic institutions, and much more.

If you aspire to become professor and inspire new generations to learn and like mathematics as you, enroll in the teaching mathematics profile and fulfill your dreams.

See you at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics!