Student Perspectives: Academic and Cultural Exchange workshop

On May 30, 2024, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics hosted the workshop “Student Perspectives: Academic and Cultural Exchange,” featuring participation from students from the United States alongside our students from the study programs in Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Geography – Tourism, and Spatial Planning.

Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić began the workshop by introducing our faculty’s study mode. Following this, guests from the USA shared insights into their academic environment and cultural similarities. Our students attending ESP classes applied their knowledge, gaining broader perspectives on various academic practices. The workshop aimed to impart new knowledge and inspire students to pursue educational excellence, highlighting the importance of communication skills for their academic and future career success.
The workshop was organized with the assistance of Ms. Ljiljana Baniček and EKC IHTUS.

Author of the text: Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić