Successful Implementation of the FNSM Informatics Internship in the Companies Lanaco and Syrmia

For students of the Computer Science Program within the Study Program of Mathematics and Computer Science, professional practice is a mandatory course as part of their studies. During the summer semester, final year students of the Computer Science Program successfully completed their internships at Lanaco and Syrmia.

Under the mentorship of experts from Lanaco, students had the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). By solving real-world problems using AI/ML techniques, students gained valuable experience working on projects in a real work environment, which will be of great benefit to their future professional development. The internship at Lanaco was held from March 4 to 8. Students from the General and Teaching Program of Mathematics and Informatics also joined this internship and took the opportunity to learn about the latest achievements in AI and ML. More details about the internship at Lanaco can be found here.

Students of the final years of the Computer Science Program, during the two-week internship at Syrmia, were introduced to several key technologies, including Git (code versioning and review process), software development using the V model (design, requirements definition, and verification), Bazel build system and source code analysis, as well as the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana for metric visualization). The internship at Syrmia was held from April 1 to 12.

We thank the companies Lanaco and Syrmia for the opportunity and support they provided to our students. Working on real projects and learning about modern technologies are important steps in their professional development and readiness for future challenges.

Congratulations to all students on successfully completing their internships!

Text author: Dr. Milana Grbić, Assistant Professor