Archives 2024

International Partners

International Partners

International cooperation plays a crucial role in enhancing the global academic and scientific community. This collaboration, particularly with partners from the European Union and around the world, brings a range of significant benefits to our Faculty, enriching areas of research, education, and innovation.

One of the key advantages of international partnerships is the exchange of knowledge and experiences among different cultures and scientific traditions. Such interaction fosters the exchange of approaches, perspectives, and experiences, contributing to a broader understanding of the complex challenges facing contemporary society. Scientists and researchers participating in international projects have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, improve their methodologies, and contribute to the development of science on a global scale.

Moreover, joint scientific research projects often provide access to resources and infrastructure that may not be available or are limited in certain regions. This exchange of resources accelerates research progress and facilitates access to state-of-the-art technology, laboratories, and data.

For more information about the international partners of the Faculty of Science, you can read here.

Faculty Leadership

Faculty Leadership


Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Full Professor


Dr. Radoslav Dekić, Full Professor

Vice-Dean for Science and Research

Dr. Milana Grbić, Assistant Professor

General documents

General Documents

General legal acts of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics include:

University regulations and rules are available at this link.
All documents are available only in Serbian language.

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

International cooperation represents the fundamental pillar of development and improvement of the Faculty of Science. In the era of globalization, the Faculty of Science recognizes the crucial role of internationalization in ensuring high-quality education and research. Our commitment to international cooperation stems from the belief that diversity and exchange of ideas are key drivers for academic advancement.

The mission of the Faculty of Science in the context of international cooperation is to create a global network of partners to provide students with a broader perspective and access to the latest advancements in science and technology. Through active collaboration with top universities and research institutions worldwide, we aim to create a stimulating environment that encourages international mobility and collaborative research projects.

The vision of the Faculty of Science is to be recognized as a global leader in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Through international cooperation, we aim to enhance the quality of education, promote innovation and research activities, and position ourselves among the world leaders in addressing global challenges. Our vision includes creating a borderless learning community where students, faculty, and researchers share knowledge and contribute to global scientific progress.


Professional Practice

Professional Practice

Professional practice at the FNSM is an ideal opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge in a real working environment. Through this form of training, you will gain deep experience in your field of study, develop practical skills, and establish contacts with professionals in your field.

Professional practice serves as a bridge between learning and real life, where students acquire concrete problem-solving solutions, gain insight into business processes, and develop aspects of their personal and professional development. This experience enriches student education and prepares them for successful entry into the job market, providing relevant and valued experience in the field.

Recognizing the importance of professional practice at the Faculty of Science, it is organized in the following study programs:

Student Teaching Practice in Primary and Secondary Schools

Student Teaching Practice in Primary and Secondary Schools

If you are studying to become a teacher, it is necessary for you as a student to spend some time in primary or secondary schools. This experience is invaluable as it provides you with a practical insight into the teaching process and allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting. Working in the classroom helps you develop pedagogical skills, refine teaching methods, and gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges teachers face daily. Moreover, direct contact with students enables you to enhance communication skills with students, develop the ability to adapt to different learning styles, and explore the diversity of educational needs within the school community.

Some of the primary and secondary schools where students spend their teaching practice include:

  • Primary School “Georgi Stojkov Rakovski”, Banja Luka
  • Primary School “Branko Ćopić”, Banja Luka
  • Primary School “Zmaj Jova Jovanović”, Banja Luka
  • Gymnasium Banja Luka
  • Civil Engineering School Banja Luka
  • Medical School Banja Luka
  • Technical School Banja Luka
  • Electrotechnical School “Nikola Tesla” Banja Luka

Field Work

Field Work

Field work at the FNSm represent an exciting part of the educational process where you will have the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge in concrete field research. This activity provides you with practical experience in collecting and analyzing field data while also developing your research and methodological skills. Field work contribute to expanding holistic understanding of subjects and encourage students to creatively apply acquired competencies in solving real problems in the field of natural sciences.

Field work is conducted in several study programs at the FNSM in accordance with the rules defined in the curriculum. To learn more about field work in individual study programs, read on the following links:

Student Exchange

Student Exchange

Student exchange is an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with the work of other faculties, explore new cultures, and gain new experiences by living and studying in a completely different environment. You will encounter new learning methods and teaching styles. You will improve your language skills and make new friends.

As a student, you have the right to spend a certain period (a semester or academic year) at another higher education institution through international student exchange programs or based on bilateral agreements between universities. In accordance with the study agreement you conclude with the University of Banja Luka, based on your academic performance at the host university during the exchange, some exams may be recognized for credit at your home faculty.

More information about student exchange is available on the International Cooperation page.

Student Services

Student Services

The FNSM Student Services is tasked with providing various services and support to students during their academic studies. Some of the common tasks of the student services include:

  • Student Information: Providing information about academic procedures, deadlines, subjects, scholarships, and other important aspects of student life.
  • Registration and Enrollment: Assisting students in processes such as subject registration, enrollment for the current academic year, and other administrative procedures.

Staff at the FNSM Student Services:

Email Address:
Phone: 051/304-722