Celebrating World Water Day and World Meteorology Day

The World Water Day and World Meteorological Day events are traditionally organized by The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, with the support of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka, and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Srpska. This year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, and the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Ecology joined the organization, and support was provided by UNDP representatives. The gathering took place on March 20, 2024, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Science.

The United Nations passed a resolution to mark March 22 as World Water Day and draw attention to water-related problems worldwide on that day. Every year, World Water Day emphasizes a specific aspect of water; this year’s theme is “Water for Peace”, exploring opportunities based on natural solutions and the challenges we face in the 21st century. During the gathering, it was emphasized that water is not an unlimited resource and that it is necessary to use it rationally. Climate change and its consequences were also highlighted, with the message that we are increasingly exposed to climatic extremes and the negative effects of climate change, underscoring the role of humans in preserving the environment. The aim of the meeting was to emphasize the importance of meteorological, hydrological, and climatic characteristics.

Text author: prof. dr Aleksandra Petrašević

Addiko Bank Lectures: It’s Time for Financial Literacy

Addiko Bank, one of the business partners of the Faculty, is organizing an interactive lecture with a workshop on the topic of financial literacy. The aim of these lectures is to understand the importance of financial literacy, a skill considered one of the key competencies of the 21st century. The lectures will emphasize the importance of making important financial decisions, developing good money habits, such as the importance of saving, investing, and long-term financial planning for the future.
The lecture will be held on Friday, March 29, 2024, in the amphitheater of the FNSM, starting at 10:00 a.m. The lecture is intended for all students of the FNSM, regardless of study program and year of study, as well as other interested individuals. Registration to attend the lecture is mandatory through the Google Form, which must be completed no later than Wednesday, March 27.

More information about the lecture is available on the poster.

Text author: prof. dr Dragan Matić

Next Generation: Lanaco Company and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics join forces again

This year, we are proud of the successful completion of professional student practice at the Lanaco Company. Under the mentorship of experts from Lanaco, students of the Computer Science and Mathematics have completed their summer semester practice, specially organized for students of our faculty. Over the past few days, students had the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). By solving real-world problems using AI/ML techniques, students gained valuable experience working on projects in a real-world environment, which will greatly benefit their further professional development.

We express our gratitude to Lanaco Company for providing this opportunity to our students and look forward to future collaboration.

Text author: prof. dr Dragan Matić

The 11th Memorial Scientific Meeting on Environmental Protection “Dr. Milena Dalmacija”

11th Memorial Scientific Conference on Environmental Protection “Docent Dr. Milena
integrated with the 1st Advanced Wastewater Treatments Spring School –
will be held from April 1 to 4, 2024. at the University of Novi Sad.
The meeting organized by the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental
Protection of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, the "Dr. Milena
Dalmacija" Foundation, the SmartWaterTwin Horizon Europe project, the BEuSED project and
The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
The deadline for papers submition is March 15, 2024 and participation at the meeting is free
of charge.

You can find additional information at the link https://fondacijadocentdrmilenadalmacija.com/

Text author: Prof. Dr. Zvjezdana Sandić

Study chemistry at FNSM!

If you have an adventurous spirit and a curiosity to better understand nature and the world around you, immersing yourself in the fascinating realm of chemistry is the perfect choice. The knowledge and skills acquired through both theory and experiments will pave the way for you, leading to an endless field of research. This journey involves discovering the composition and structure of various materials, ensuring the quality of finished products, and even creating innovative solutions.

The challenges faced by modern society, such as reducing pollution, preserving a healthy environment, and addressing the need for synthesizing new compounds, present chemists with the significant task of continual improvement and finding novel solutions. Through collaborative teamwork, we will equip you with the skills to analyze data, solve problems, develop critical thinking, and generate innovative ideas.

If your dream involves sharing your acquired knowledge with students in primary and secondary schools, you’re in the right place. We emphasize nurturing the teaching profession, recognizing the vital role of chemistry professors in education. Therefore, we will guide you in acquiring the necessary skills and teaching methods for the classroom.

Chemistry is omnipresent in your surroundings! Take a bold step into a new chapter of life!

You can pursue your chemistry studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, specifically in the Chemistry Study Program. Whether you aspire to become a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (learn more here) or a Graduate Teacher of Chemistry (discover more here), FNSM offers a platform for your academic and professional growth.

Equipped Material Innovation Training Center

At our Faculty, an informal Material Innovation Training Center has been opened. It is located in the renovated space of classroom number 7 on the first floor of the Faculty, which was built over 90 years ago during the flourishing cultural and educational period of the Vrbas Banovina.

The restoration included the reconstruction of the floor, walls, lighting, and new furniture. The space is designed to be multifunctional, and in the coming years, it will primarily host educational and promotional activities related to materials science. The Student Union has also expressed interest in using this space for their organized events, and it is suitable for defending final papers and press conferences.

Source: RTRS

For the past 7 years, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics has actively participated in numerous international scientific research projects, especially in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology program. From one such project where our Faculty is the coordinator, named DeepGreenInno, the financial support was provided for equipping this Center. The opening ceremony was attended by the University Rector, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Gajanin, who expressed satisfaction with the strengthening of the University’s capacities.

The Faculty of Science and Mathematics hopes that with this successfully equipped facility, it will motivate the wider community to offer new opportunities and functionalities to historical buildings, like our Faculty, protected by the state.

EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS – Free Education at Higher Education Institutions in the Russian Federation

The Russian Center for Science and Culture “Russian House” in Belgrade presented the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo on the admission of foreign citizens to education in institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation, at the expense of the federal budget.

Students have the opportunity to continue their education in the I, II, and III cycles of studies at more than 600 state universities across Russia.

Thousands of educational programs cover all educational fields, including natural and mathematical sciences, medicine, agriculture, veterinary, engineering sciences, technology, social and human sciences, arts and culture, sports, etc.

It is interesting to emphasize the possibility of changing the educational direction in the next cycle of studies to create a unique range of knowledge and competencies.

Knowledge of the Russian language is not a requirement for obtaining a scholarship. However, all candidates who do not speak Russian are offered to study at the preparatory faculty, where they will immerse themselves in learning the Russian language for one year, and only after that, a year later, they will be assigned to the first year with the status of a student at a Russian university.

The first step of the application process includes:

  • registration on the website https://education-in-russia.com (open until 31.01.2024, however, due to a short deadline, interested candidates can request an extension of the application period).
  • obtaining a personal number in the system (BIH-0000/24)
  • filling out the application form during registration
  • attaching scanned documents* and sending them for verification

Documents required for participation in the competition:

  • Passport (color page clearly visible)

* The passport must be valid for at least 1.5 years from the expected date of obtaining a visa for studying in the Russian Federation (at least until March 2026).

  • Diploma of previously completed educational level (certified translation into Russian by a court interpreter)

Additional documentation

  • Motivational letter, letter of recommendation (can be in Russian or English)
  • Copies of various certificates, diplomas, confirmations, etc. (results are taken into account for the last 3 years, i.e., not before 2020)
  • Achieved results, e.g., winner of international competitions, attach confirmation (results are taken into account for the last 3 years, i.e., not before 2020)
  • No certified translation is required.

Medical documentation

  • Medical certificate of general health confirming the absence of medical contraindications for studying in the Russian Federation + certified translation into Russian by a court interpreter
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection and AIDS + certified translation into Russian by a court interpreter
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of hepatitis B and C + certified translation into Russian by a court interpreter
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of tuberculosis + certified translation into Russian by a court interpreter

More information about universities, courses, and professions can be found on the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation website.


or through an electronic consultation https://ruskidom.rs/kvota/konsultacii



Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Mladena Stojanovića 2
78000 Banja Luka
Phone/Fax: +387 51 319 142

Dean: dekan@pmf.unibl.org
Vice Dean for student affairs: prodekan.nastava@pmf.unibl.org
Vice Dean for Science and Research: prodekan.nir@pmf.unibl.org
SP Biology: biologija@pmf.unibl.org
SP Geography: geografija@pmf.unibl.org
SP Ecology and Environmental Protection: ekologijaizzs@unibl.org
SP Mathematics and Computer Science: matinf@pmf.unibl.org
SP Spatial Planning: prostorno@pmf.unibl.org
SP Technical education and Informatics: sptehnicko@pmf.unibl.org
SP Physics: fizika@pmf.unibl.org
SP Chemistry: sphemija@pmf.unibl.org
Student Service: studentska.sluzba@pmf.unibl.org +387 51 304 722
Library: biblioteka@pmf.unibl.org
Accounting: racunovdstvo@pmf.unibl.org

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is a key aspect of the higher education reform in creating a European framework for higher education. The primary goal pursued by all European and global higher education institutions is focused on forming, encouraging, and ensuring a high-quality educational environment for students. The quality assurance system should guarantee the quality of content and implementation of study programs, as well as the overall quality of the Faculty’s work. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics actively participates in the development of internal quality assurance mechanisms and quality improvement. In this process, we adhere to standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European context of higher education, emphasizing the significant socio-economic role of education in the local, national, and global context.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is responsible for quality assurance through the Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee. You can find the members of the committee by clicking on this


Within its responsibilities, the committee carries out

the following tasks.

The coordinator for quality assurance at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is Prof. Dr. Dragan Matić.

The Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs, and Quality is responsible for the university’s quality assurance and improvement system. Read more on this link.

Student Organization

Student Organization of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SOFNSM)

The Student Organization of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was established in 1997. It brings together students from various study programs and provides them with a foundation for active participation and collective action. This body represents the voice of students and aims to guide their interests, enrich their student experience, and promote collaboration within the student community.

The Student Organization enables students to actively participate in various social, educational, and cultural initiatives. It organizes different events, workshops, seminars, and extracurricular activities that enrich the student experience and support their development.

Through its activities and projects, the Student Organization at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics creates an inclusive community that supports diversity, allowing students to express their ideas, share experiences, and develop personal and professional skills. This organization is a key pillar for the student community and promotes collaboration, teamwork, and social activism.

Links to SOPMF social networks: Instagram, Facebook.