Archives 2024

Student Exchange

Student Exchange

Student exchange is an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with the work of other faculties, explore new cultures, and gain new experiences by living and studying in a completely different environment. You will encounter new learning methods and teaching styles. You will improve your language skills and make new friends.

As a student, you have the right to spend a certain period (a semester or academic year) at another higher education institution through international student exchange programs or based on bilateral agreements between universities. In accordance with the study agreement you conclude with the University of Banja Luka, based on your academic performance at the host university during the exchange, some exams may be recognized for credit at your home faculty.

More information about student exchange is available on the International Cooperation page.

Student Services

Student Services

The FNSM Student Services is tasked with providing various services and support to students during their academic studies. Some of the common tasks of the student services include:

  • Student Information: Providing information about academic procedures, deadlines, subjects, scholarships, and other important aspects of student life.
  • Registration and Enrollment: Assisting students in processes such as subject registration, enrollment for the current academic year, and other administrative procedures.

Staff at the FNSM Student Services:

Email Address:
Phone: 051/304-722



At the University level, there is a unique student service called eStudent, which serves as a central hub for all administrative tasks that students perform online, instead of at counters in the Student Services. The functionalities of this service include viewing upcoming exam dates and exams, registering and viewing registered exams, withdrawing from exams, viewing completed obligations, enrollment, viewing grades, failed exams, and earned ECTS credits, as well as information on the diploma thesis and surveys about professors. The system is based on the Faculty Information System and serves as a simple and efficient tool for managing student administrative activities. The user guide for the eStudent service is available at this link.

In addition to the eStudent system, students at the Faculty of Science also use the official e-mail address with the domain, which operates through the Gmail service. This address is official and provides students with the opportunity for official communication with the faculty, professors, assistants, and other relevant instances. Furthermore, this address is the basis for using the digital classroom – Google Classroom.

Access data for the eStudent service and student e-mail address are obtained at the Student Services after enrollment at the FNSM, before the start of the first academic year.

Science Popularization

Science Popularization

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) is dedicated to bringing the fascinating world of science to all generations, with a special emphasis on the youngest. This commitment aims to stimulate curiosity and discover the wonders of nature and mathematics in an accessible and exciting way.

FNSM has the privilege of having various spaces that further enrich the learning experience. The faculty’s aquarium represents a fascinating world of aquatic ecosystems, providing visitors with insights into the richness and diversity of the underwater world.

In addition, FNSM has a planetarium that opens the doors to the infinite world of astronomy. Visitors can enjoy fascinating projections of the night sky, planetary systems, and other astronomical wonders, experiencing an unforgettable journey of exploring the universe.

As part of its initiatives, FNSM organizes Mathematics Days, a special event dedicated to discovering the wonders of mathematics through various activities, competitions, and workshops. This event aims to foster a love for mathematics among visitors and highlight the fun and interesting side of this scientific discipline.

FNSM also actively participates in the “Science Festival,” a significant event that brings together scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts. Through interactive exhibitions, lectures, and experiments, FNSM contributes to spreading scientific literacy and encouraging a spirit of exploration among festival visitors.

Publishing Activities

Publishing Activities

Publishing activities at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) play a crucial role in disseminating scientific knowledge and supporting education. FNSM publishes professional publications and textbooks, providing students, researchers, and the general public with access to relevant information. In this way, it not only enriches knowledge in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences but also supports the faculty’s mission to share research achievements and promote further scientific growth.

FNSM is the publisher of a significant number of educational and scientific publications. The publishing plan for FNSM in 2024 is available here, while the report on the implementation of publishing activities for 2023 can be found here.

Electronic editions are available on the ePublications page.


Conferences and Symposiums

A large number of scientific conferences, symposiums, student conferences, and similar events have been organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In addition to raising the level of scientific work at the Faculty, these activities contribute to the exchange of ideas and the establishment of collaboration with similar related institutions, making a significant contribution to the development of scientific research in the wider community. Furthermore, scientific conferences provide an excellent opportunity to introduce young researchers to scientific work and connect with leading scientists in the field. Among the conferences and events organized by FNSM, the following can be highlighted:




FNSM is the publisher of the scientific journal ACTA SCIENTIFICA BALCANICA, which publishes papers in the fields of natural, mathematical and computer sciences. More information about the journal is available on the journal’s page.

FNSM is a co-publisher of the journal Herald, which publishes papers in the field of geography and related disciplines.

FNSM is a co-publisher of the journal Mat-Kol, which accepts papers for publication in the methodology of teaching mathematics and computer science, mathematical education, philosophy and history of mathematics, theoretical and applied mathematics and computer science related to teaching, as well as original scientific papers in the field of mathematics and computer science.


Collaboration with Industry

Collaboration with Industry

Collaboration between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) and industry creates a bridge between theory and practice, ensuring the relevance of education and research. FNSM is a source of experts in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences, and collaboration with the industry provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships, workshops, and projects. This direct contact with the business world allows students to enhance their skills and adapt to the real challenges of working in the industry.
FNSM collaborates with numerous partners from the industry. Collaboration is established based on agreements on business and technical cooperation, and it is implemented through a series of joint activities to transfer knowledge between the academic and business communities, fostering innovation and contributing to overall economic development.

You can find a list of all industry partners here.