Archives 2024

Digital Art Competition

UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a digital art competition as part of the “Generation Equality” campaign. The theme of the competition is redefining gender roles and questioning societal norms.

The competition is open to citizens of BiH aged 18 to 35, with the deadline for participation being June 16, 2024.
More information is available at:

Student Perspectives: Academic and Cultural Exchange workshop

On May 30, 2024, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics hosted the workshop “Student Perspectives: Academic and Cultural Exchange,” featuring participation from students from the United States alongside our students from the study programs in Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Geography – Tourism, and Spatial Planning.

Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić began the workshop by introducing our faculty’s study mode. Following this, guests from the USA shared insights into their academic environment and cultural similarities. Our students attending ESP classes applied their knowledge, gaining broader perspectives on various academic practices. The workshop aimed to impart new knowledge and inspire students to pursue educational excellence, highlighting the importance of communication skills for their academic and future career success.
The workshop was organized with the assistance of Ms. Ljiljana Baniček and EKC IHTUS.

Author of the text: Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić

Chemistry students visiting the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Srpska

A visit to the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Srpska was organized for students of the second year of the Chemistry Department. As part of the visit, the students visited the air quality monitoring station at the Budžak location. M.Sc. Ranka Radić, head of the Department for Environmental Protection, introduced the students to the work that this department does and the challenges they face in their work. The way in which the station samples and measures certain parameters, as indicators of air quality, was explained to them. The other locations where the measuring stations are located, as well as the frequency of sampling, are also listed. They also had the opportunity to hear something about the way data is processed and the methodology used to assess air quality at the national level.

After that, the students visited the laboratory where they could see how the air samples collected on the filter are prepared for chemical analysis. The chemists responsible for this part of the work presented the microwave extraction method, which prepares the samples for further analysis using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

The visit was very useful, as it proved to be an excellent link between theory and practice.

Author of the text: Dr. Dragana Blagojević, Assistant Professor

Fourth term of preparatory classes at the FNSM!

Preparatory classes at the FNSM continue this week with the fourth session!

The preparatory class in mathematics will be held on Friday, May 31. This session will cover exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities. The class will take place in the computer lab starting at 9:00 AM.

The preparatory class in chemistry will be held on Saturday, June 1. This session will cover topics in organic chemistry (synthesis and reactions of organic compounds), as well as topics in natural products chemistry. The class will be held in classroom number 9 starting at 10:00 AM.

The preparatory classes are free of charge. The list of upcoming sessions and topics for the preparatory classes is available at this link.

A Successful Participation of the FNSM in the Science Festival!

On May 23 and 24, 2024, the 12th Science Festival was held in Banja Luka, in which the FNSM actively participated.

The Science Festival was organized by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of the Government of the Republic of Srpska. This year’s festival brought together 21 faculties from the University of Banja Luka and the University of East Sarajevo, the Institute for Genetic Resources at the University of Banja Luka, the Police Training Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RS, and several high schools from Banja Luka.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics played a significant role in this year’s festival, offering numerous activities that attracted a large number of visitors. Exhibits and experiments from PMF, such as Lokva – the “museum of living fossils,” “The Dream of a Lake,” “Let’s Orient Ourselves on the Map and in Space!,” the Magic Square, the Fountain in a Glass, the Bell Model, and the Genie in a Bottle, were displayed in the sports hall in the University City, University of Banja Luka. Part of the Science Festival was also held at PMF itself, where numerous visitors had the opportunity to visit the planetarium, aquarium, and terrarium over the two days, thus getting acquainted with various aspects of natural sciences.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in and supported this year’s Science Festival, especially the teachers, assistants, and student volunteers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Their work and dedication were crucial to the success of this significant event, which showcased the intriguing side of science, popularized it, and inspired young people to take an interest in scientific research and education.

Author of the text: Dr. Milana Grbić, Assistant Professor

Cover photo taken from the UNIBL website.

Agreement Signed Between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Center for Demographic Research

On May 27, 2024, at the premises of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, a Business-Technical Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, and the Center for Demographic Research.

The signatories of the agreement will inform each other about their human, technical, and technological potentials and, based on this information, assist each other in utilizing these resources. This collaboration will contribute to establishing and developing business cooperation with a mutual desire for effective and professional work, thereby contributing to the successful joint development and operations.

The agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić, and the President of the Center for Demographic Research, Prof. Dr. Draško Marinković.

Author of the text: Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Full Professor

Fieldwork for Geography and Spatial Planning Students

Undergraduate students from the Geography study program (Tourism, Teaching, and General tracks), alongside undergraduate and graduate students from the Spatial Planning study program, embarked on a field trip to Slovenia and Italy (Trieste). This venture was seamlessly integrated into the curriculum and facilitated by international collaboration with the Faculty of Logistics in Celje (University of Maribor) through the CEEPUS network “Tourism and Agriculture Sustainable Alliances – #TASA network” from May 13-18, 2024. The field trip encompassed a blend of theoretical insights and hands-on experiences. Professors from the Faculty of Logistics conducted engaging sessions on internet and social media data security, as well as the principles of sustainable tourism in rural settings. Additionally, students seized the opportunity to compare academic frameworks and study environments by visiting the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
The meticulous planning and execution of the field trip were spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić and Prof. Dr. Dušica Pešević. Prof. Dr. Irena Medar-Tanjga, serving as the CEEPUS network coordinator for PMF, provided invaluable support. Furthermore, the field trip received backing from esteemed professors and collaborators associated with the CEEPUS network “Tourism and Agriculture Sustainable Alliances – #TASA network” and the bilateral project “Agrarian tourism as logistical support for the sustainability of the natural and cultural heritage of Slovenia and Republika Srpska”, including Prof. Dr. Tanja Mišlicki Tomić, Doc. Dr. Dragan Papić, Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić, Vukosava Čolić, MA, and Željka Ostojić, MA.
During the field trip, students were immersed in the geographical tapestry of Slovenia, exploring its rich cultural history, contemporary developmental dynamics, and strategies for spatial organization and cultural heritage preservation. They traversed diverse locales, from the historic city of Celje to the enchanting landscapes of Ljubljana, Bled, and the UNESCO-protected mercury mines in Idrija. The underground marvels of Kranj and Postojna Cave offered unique insights, while visits to Koper and Trieste showcased the region’s maritime heritage. A special focus was placed on health and rural tourism during visits to Rogaška Slatina and the Pomona tourist farm.
Throughout the expedition, students engaged in critical analysis and comparison of approaches to natural and cultural resource management, laying a robust foundation for their future careers. Delving into Serbian cultural heritage and the socio-cultural landscape in Slovenia and Trieste provided a deeper understanding of historical narratives and identity preservation. The field trip culminated in a poignant visit to the Donja Gradina memorial complex, where homage was paid to the victims of the Jasenovac concentration camp, fostering a solemn reflection on the region’s tumultuous past.
Author: Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić

The third term of preparatory classes at the FNSM!

This week we continue with preparatory classes at the FNSM!
Preparatory classes in mathematics will be held on Friday, May 24. In this session, trigonometry will be covered. The class will be held in the amphitheater starting at 9 o’clock.

Preparatory classes in chemistry will be held on Saturday, May 25. In this session, the topic of organic chemistry (nomenclature of organic compounds; molecular, empirical, structural formulas, and spatial isomerism) will be covered. The class will be held in classroom number 9 starting at 10 o’clock.

The preparatory classes are free of charge. The list of upcoming sessions and topics for the preparatory classes is available at this link.

Cooperation with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac

Professors from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac, Prof. Dr. Vladica Simić and Prof. Dr. Snežana Simić, visited the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka. During the visit, they held a meeting with the Dean, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić, and agreed on the signing of a cooperation agreement in various fields, as well as applying for project calls. At the same time, activities were agreed upon to improve the Aquarium of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and to establish cooperation with the Center for Fisheries and Conservation of Inland Waters – Aquarium, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić

Second term of preparatory classes at the FNSM!

On Saturday, May 18, we will continue with the preparatory classes at the FNSM.

During the preparatory class in chemistry, topics in general and inorganic chemistry (Quantitative composition of solutions; Gas laws; Chemical equations) will be covered. The class will be held in classroom number 9, starting at 10 AM.

During the preparatory class in mathematics, Quadratic equations will be covered. The class will be held in the amphitheater, starting at 10 AM.

The preparatory classes are free of charge. The list of upcoming dates and topics for the preparatory classes is available at this link.