Archives 2024

Second term of preparatory classes at the FNSM!

On Saturday, May 18, we will continue with the preparatory classes at the FNSM.

During the preparatory class in chemistry, topics in general and inorganic chemistry (Quantitative composition of solutions; Gas laws; Chemical equations) will be covered. The class will be held in classroom number 9, starting at 10 AM.

During the preparatory class in mathematics, Quadratic equations will be covered. The class will be held in the amphitheater, starting at 10 AM.

The preparatory classes are free of charge. The list of upcoming dates and topics for the preparatory classes is available at this link.

Second Symposium of Laboratory Geneticists and Molecular Biologists

The Second Symposium of Laboratory Geneticists and Molecular Biologists was held on May 10-11, 2024, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka. It was organized by the Association of Geneticists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (GENuBiH) and the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska. Accredited by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska as a continuing education program, the symposium covered topics in personalized medicine, prenatal and postnatal diagnostics, oncogenetics, assisted reproduction, and other relevant fields.

Author: Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić

Preparatory classes at the FNSM are starting!

We would like to remind interested individuals about enrollment at the FNSM that preparatory classes in mathematics and chemistry will begin on Saturday, May 11th, 2024.

In this first session of preparatory classes in mathematics, topics covering algebraic expressions, functions, and proportions will be addressed. Classes will take place in classroom number 18, starting at 9:00 AM.

In this initial session of preparatory classes in chemistry, subjects including general and inorganic chemistry will be addressed – measurement units in chemistry, the periodic table of elements and atomic structure, chemical bonds, theories of acids and bases, acid and base oxides. Classes will take place in classroom number 9, starting at 10:00 AM.

Preparatory classes are free of charge. The schedule of upcoming sessions and topics for preparatory classes is available at this link.

A seminar for geography teachers and professors was held

During the week in which Earth Day (April 22nd) is marked, a one-day seminar for geography teachers and professors was held on Friday, April 26th, 2024, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (PMF), organized by the Geographic Society of Republika Srpska, the Study Program in Geography of the University of Banja Luka’s Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Republic Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska. The seminar was attended by over 90 teachers and professors employed in primary and secondary schools from a large number of schools across Republika Srpska. The seminar addressed professional and methodological issues in geography education, its role in the education system, and the development of contemporary society. Participants raised a series of problems encountered in the implementation of teaching, criticisms of teaching plans and programs, textbook content and relevance, and other issues aimed at modernizing and improving the teaching process, education, and the upbringing of young people.

The seminar concluded with recommendations for initiating initiatives to improve geographical education and future teacher education. The attending geographers agreed that only through coordinated joint work of teachers, teacher training faculties, the Republic Pedagogical Institute, and the Geographic Society of Republika Srpska can positive changes be influenced in the educational system, which must respond quickly to society’s challenges in order for education to meet contemporary needs and keep pace with the times.

Author of the text: Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić

The Program for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Republic of Srpska

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka is participating in the implementation of the project “Program for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Republic of Srpska.”

The main task of developing the Medium-Term Fisheries Development Program is to provide the user of fishing rights with insight into the actual state of fishing waters through physical-chemical and biological characteristics of water, as well as the state of ichthyofauna in qualitative and quantitative terms. At the same time, these investigations provide information on the possibilities of annual fish production per unit area or length of the stream, as well as the quantity of fish that can be caught during one year with fishing and fishery protection. Based on the results, measures are taken to protect the fishing zone, or certain parts within it, measures aimed at increasing the degree of production, and increasing the possibilities of the fishing zone through stocking. In the previous period, research was conducted in the basins of the Sava, Una, Bosna, and Ukrina rivers, and field research during 2024 is being conducted in the basins of the Neretva and Trebišnjica rivers. The research and program development are led by Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić, project coordinator

Online Info Day of the FNSM

You are invited to the Online Info Day of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, which will take place on April 29th from 12:00 to 14:00.

Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, full professor and Dr. Milana Grbić, asistant professor will be available to answer your questions about study programs, preparation for entrance exams, and enrollment procedures.

Access link:

Join us and learn more about the opportunities for studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics!

Study technical education and informatics at the FNSM!

If you have a desire to excel in the fields of technology and computer science and become a teacher of technical education and informatics, enroll in the Study Program for Technical Education and Informatics. As a teacher in elementary or high school, you will have the opportunity to inspire young generations, encourage critical thinking, foster creativity, and prepare them for the future.

During your studies, you will have the opportunity to work with modern tools and technologies, and collaborate with colleagues and experts from the industry. Technical education plays a crucial role in promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education, and as a teacher in this modern field, you will have the opportunity to share your creativity and skills with young minds in the classroom.

Join us on a journey through the world of technology and informatics!

Open Doors Day

As part of the Days of Students 2024 event organized by the Student Parliament of the University of Banja Luka , on April 19, 2024, the traditional activity “Open Doors Day” of the University of Banja Luka member institutions was held in the University Hall of the campus.

As in previous years, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics participated and presented the diverse content and variety of its eight study programs through interesting exhibits. Numerous interested high school seniors talked with volunteers (Dragan Gvozdenović, Ivana Džodan, Hristina Letić, David Sabljić, Tanja Džinić, Anastazija Zrnić, Marko Kalaba, Željana Pekez, Dragana Zgonjanin, and Valentina Knežević) and informed themselves about the conditions of studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, study programs, the way the faculty operates, and other information.

After welcoming the high school seniors to the university campus, the Vice Dean for Scientific Research of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Assist. Prof. Milana Grbić, addressed them and through a brief presentation acquainted them with the faculty, study programs, and directions they can enroll in at our faculty.

Text author: Valentina Knežević, President of the SOFNSM

The second mathematical workshop for professional development of primary school teachers was held

On Saturday, April 20, 2024, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the SECOND MATHEMATICAL WORKSHOP for the professional development of primary school teachers was held.

The speakers were: Prof. Dr. Duško Jojić, full professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka, with the topic ‘A Little Geometry: Perimeter, Area, and Volume,’ and Dr. Boris Petković, assistant professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka, with the topic ‘Elementary Problems in Algebra’.

The workshop was organized by the Mathematical Society of the City of Banja Luka in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka. Primary school teachers from all parts of the Republic of Srpska had the opportunity to attend excellent lectures.

The Mathematical Society of the City of Banja Luka plans to organize a new mathematical workshop for primary school teachers in the fall and invites all primary school teachers to join.

Text author: Sara Koljanić, MA

Online Info Day: Enrollment at the FNSM – Find out everything you’re interested in!

If you’re interested in what you can study at the FNSM, what subjects are covered in the entrance exam, how to best prepare for it, when preparatory classes are held, which documents are needed for enrollment, and you’re unable to visit us in person – no problem, on April 29th, we’re organizing an Online Info Day. On that day, from 12 to 2 PM, Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Vice Dean for academic affairs, and Dr. Milana Grbić, Vice Dean for science and research, will answer all your questions. All you need to do is fill out the Google Form, and you’ll receive a link via email to access the Online Info Day at FNSM.

Join us at the Online Info Day at FNSM and learn about the opportunities to study: biology, geography, GIS, tourism, ecology and environmental protection, mathematics, computer science, spatial planning, technical education, physics, and chemistry at FNSM.

Registration link:

Cover photo: Mile Lekić, FNSM student