All posts by Dragan Matic

Instructions for Enrollment at FNSM!

Enrollment of accepted candidates will be conducted from July 8th to 12th. Candidates should bring the following items:

  1. Two photographs (50mm x 60mm)
  2. Medical certificate with a psychologist’s report
  3. Proofs of payment

Important Note:

Students who are financed by the budget should make two separate payments:

  • Fee for semester enrollment (42 BAM)
  • Fee for index and enrollment materials (20 BAM)

Students who are self-financed should make three separate payments:

  • Fee for semester enrollment (42 BAM)
  • Fee for index and enrollment materials (20 BAM)
  • Tuition fee (500 BAM)

All payment instructions are as follows:

Instructions for payment of the semester enrollment fee

IZNOS 42,00 KM 
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76   Unikredit banka a.d. Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82   Nova banka a.d.Banja Luka
Svrha uplate: administrativni troškovi
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate: 0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije visokog obrazovanja
Poziv na broj:0000000333

Instructions for payment – index and enrollment materials

IZNOS 20,00 KM 
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76    Unikredit banka a.d.Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82    Nova banka a.d. Banja Luka 
Svrha uplate: indeks i upisni materijal
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate: 0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije visokog obrazovanja
Poziv na broj : 0000000333

Instructions for payment of tuition fee – applies only to self-financed students

IZNOS 500,00 KM
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76    Unikredit banka a.d.Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82    Nova banka a.d. Banja Luka 
Svrha uplate: školarina
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate:0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije  visokog obrazovanja
VRSTA PRIHODA: 722512          
Poziv na broj:0000000222

Fieldwork for Geography and Spatial Planning Students

Undergraduate students from the Geography study program (Tourism, Teaching, and General tracks), alongside undergraduate and graduate students from the Spatial Planning study program, embarked on a field trip to Slovenia and Italy (Trieste). This venture was seamlessly integrated into the curriculum and facilitated by international collaboration with the Faculty of Logistics in Celje (University of Maribor) through the CEEPUS network “Tourism and Agriculture Sustainable Alliances – #TASA network” from May 13-18, 2024. The field trip encompassed a blend of theoretical insights and hands-on experiences. Professors from the Faculty of Logistics conducted engaging sessions on internet and social media data security, as well as the principles of sustainable tourism in rural settings. Additionally, students seized the opportunity to compare academic frameworks and study environments by visiting the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
The meticulous planning and execution of the field trip were spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić and Prof. Dr. Dušica Pešević. Prof. Dr. Irena Medar-Tanjga, serving as the CEEPUS network coordinator for PMF, provided invaluable support. Furthermore, the field trip received backing from esteemed professors and collaborators associated with the CEEPUS network “Tourism and Agriculture Sustainable Alliances – #TASA network” and the bilateral project “Agrarian tourism as logistical support for the sustainability of the natural and cultural heritage of Slovenia and Republika Srpska”, including Prof. Dr. Tanja Mišlicki Tomić, Doc. Dr. Dragan Papić, Dr. Nevena Vučen Papić, Vukosava Čolić, MA, and Željka Ostojić, MA.
During the field trip, students were immersed in the geographical tapestry of Slovenia, exploring its rich cultural history, contemporary developmental dynamics, and strategies for spatial organization and cultural heritage preservation. They traversed diverse locales, from the historic city of Celje to the enchanting landscapes of Ljubljana, Bled, and the UNESCO-protected mercury mines in Idrija. The underground marvels of Kranj and Postojna Cave offered unique insights, while visits to Koper and Trieste showcased the region’s maritime heritage. A special focus was placed on health and rural tourism during visits to Rogaška Slatina and the Pomona tourist farm.
Throughout the expedition, students engaged in critical analysis and comparison of approaches to natural and cultural resource management, laying a robust foundation for their future careers. Delving into Serbian cultural heritage and the socio-cultural landscape in Slovenia and Trieste provided a deeper understanding of historical narratives and identity preservation. The field trip culminated in a poignant visit to the Donja Gradina memorial complex, where homage was paid to the victims of the Jasenovac concentration camp, fostering a solemn reflection on the region’s tumultuous past.
Author: Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić

Study technical education and informatics at the FNSM!

If you have a desire to excel in the fields of technology and computer science and become a teacher of technical education and informatics, enroll in the Study Program for Technical Education and Informatics. As a teacher in elementary or high school, you will have the opportunity to inspire young generations, encourage critical thinking, foster creativity, and prepare them for the future.

During your studies, you will have the opportunity to work with modern tools and technologies, and collaborate with colleagues and experts from the industry. Technical education plays a crucial role in promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education, and as a teacher in this modern field, you will have the opportunity to share your creativity and skills with young minds in the classroom.

Join us on a journey through the world of technology and informatics!

Open Doors Day

As part of the Days of Students 2024 event organized by the Student Parliament of the University of Banja Luka , on April 19, 2024, the traditional activity “Open Doors Day” of the University of Banja Luka member institutions was held in the University Hall of the campus.

As in previous years, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics participated and presented the diverse content and variety of its eight study programs through interesting exhibits. Numerous interested high school seniors talked with volunteers (Dragan Gvozdenović, Ivana Džodan, Hristina Letić, David Sabljić, Tanja Džinić, Anastazija Zrnić, Marko Kalaba, Željana Pekez, Dragana Zgonjanin, and Valentina Knežević) and informed themselves about the conditions of studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, study programs, the way the faculty operates, and other information.

After welcoming the high school seniors to the university campus, the Vice Dean for Scientific Research of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Assist. Prof. Milana Grbić, addressed them and through a brief presentation acquainted them with the faculty, study programs, and directions they can enroll in at our faculty.

Text author: Valentina Knežević, President of the SOFNSM

Study visit to the Water Factory of “Vodovod” Banja Luka

A visit to the Water Factory in Novoselia was organized for the students of the Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Protection Study Programs on Thursday, April 18th, 2024.
Leading engineers of “Vodovod. a.d.” have provided expert guidance to our students from the water intake on the bank Vrbas River, through the water conditioning plant, the Water Quality and Ecology Department and the wastewater laboratory. All production segments from raw water treatment to drinking water distribution are explained in detail. Special emphasis is placed on the quality control importance, compliance with prescribed procedures and instrumental methods that used. By visiting the wastewater laboratory, the students gained a complete insight into the process of preparing and ensuring the quality of drinking water, the responsibility of the employees and the scope of their work.

Text author: Dr. Zvjezdana Sandić, Associate Professor

Realization of working meetings within the framework of Preparation/update of Protected Areas Management Plans in the Republic of Srpska

Within the Project “Sustainability of Protected Areas – SPA” financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP), the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka participates in the implementation of the project “Preparation/updation of management plans protected areas that integrate climate change adaptation measures for Sutjeska National Park, Kozara National Park, Drina National Park, Una Nature Park and Orjen Nature Park”.
The goal of the project is to offer Management Plans with Action Plans, as a proposal for a sustainable alternative to the management of selected protected areas in the Republic of Srpska, with an emphasis on reducing the effects of climate change on the rich biodiversity of our country.
Representatives of the Project Working Team of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka, led by the dean prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić and project coordinator Prof. Dr. Goran Trbić, in the period from April 9 to 17, 2024, presented the working version of Management Plans and Action Plans for protected areas at working meetings with representatives of managers of five selected protected areas in the territory of the Republic of Srpska. The working meetings were also attended by representatives of UNDP, representatives of local communities and other associates of the management.
The final documents are being prepared, which will be presented at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, to representatives of the competent Ministries in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, the Republic Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural and Historical Heritage, the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Srpska, managers, donors, partners and interested parties.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Goran Trbić, The project coordinator
Cover photo retrieved from

Chemistry teacher training

Chemistry teacher training aimed at improving the quality of chemistry teaching in secondary schools, within the Erasmus+ project ChemTeach (101129417-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET), was held in the period from April 8 to 12, 2024 in Bratislava ( Slovakia) and Pardubice (Czech Republic). The courses were attended by Professor Saša Zeljković from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and chemistry teachers from the Gymnasium, Medical, and Technological Schools in Banja Luka.
During the visit to the High School of Chemistry from Bratislava (Stredná odborná škola chemická, Bratislava), the teachers visited the laboratories and attended professional subject classes. The topics of lectures and workshops included professional education and training in EU countries, teaching and evaluation using digital tools, and extracurricular professional activities as a form of professional development. The visit was also an opportunity to talk with students participating in chemistry competitions and with students doing professional practice. The hosts paid special attention to the presentation of their promotional activities, and Erasmus+ projects were highlighted as an important part of professional education.
At the Higher Secondary School of Chemistry in the Czech city of Pardubice (Střední průmyslova škola chemická Pardubice), emphasis is placed on the application of digital tools in the teaching of chemistry and laboratory work. The focus of the presentations and discussions was on methods that can be used to promote chemistry and attract future students.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Saša Zeljković
Photos: Prof. Dr. Saša Zeljković

Study mathematics at the FNSM!

If you are fascinated by the magical world of numbers and solving various mathematical problems, then studying mathematics at the FNSM is the right choice for you! Mathematics is much more than simple calculations – it is the language that reveals the laws of nature, advances technology, and finds solutions to the most complex problems.

At the FNSM, you have the opportunity to learn from top experts in the field of mathematics who will impart their knowledge to you through interactive lectures, exercises, and engaging mathematical projects. With their support, you’ll be able to explore the latest mathematical concepts and discover the hidden world of the queen of all sciences.

Studying on the general mathematics and computer science at the FNSM opens doors to many career opportunities – from jobs in banking, finance, to research in academic institutions, and much more.

If you aspire to become professor and inspire new generations to learn and like mathematics as you, enroll in the teaching mathematics profile and fulfill your dreams.

See you at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics!

Study computer science at the FNSM!

Are you thinking about the exciting world of information technology? Studying computer science opens the door to endless possibilities, where every line of code becomes a tool for creation and innovation. As a computer science student, you will have the opportunity to explore all the emerging areas of computer science – from artificial intelligence and software development to data analysis. Through lectures, practical projects, and collaboration with top IT experts, you will develop skills that will help you shape the digital era in your own way. You will learn how to solve complex problems, create innovative applications, and contribute to the development of digital society.

Your journey into the world of computer science begins at the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, where an exciting adventure awaits you in discovering and creating the digital world.

You can study computer science at the FNSM on the Computer Science track within the Mathematics and Computer Science study program, where you become a graduate computer scientist (more information here).

A memorial plaque dedicated to Branko copic

Upon the initiative of the Teachers’ Society of the Republic of Srpska, with the consent of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural and Historical Heritage and Natural Heritage at the entrance of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science of the University of Banja Luka, on March 26, 2024, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honor of our distinguished Serbian writer Branko Ćopić, marking the 40th anniversary of his death.

It is important to note that there was already an initiative to place a memorial plaque to our great writer at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and that the first steps in this matter were taken by Prof. Dr. Biljana Babić, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, University of Banja Luka, as early as 2016.

The unveiling of the memorial plaque on March 26 was preceded by a cultural and artistic program, held at the amphitheater of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, in which students from elementary schools in Banja Luka participated: “Đura Jakšić”, “Petar Petrović Njegoš”, “Jovan Cvijić”, “Georgi Stojkov Rakovski”, “Jovan Dučić”, “Borisav Stanković”, and “Dositej Obradović”. Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić spoke about who Branko Ćopić was, what he loved, his childhood memories, his hometown of Grmeč, education, upbringing, political pressure, his tragic end, and his impatience to find his peace.

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Đekić, and President of the Teachers’ Society of the Republic of Srpska, Marina Knežević, ceremonially unveiled the memorial plaque in honor of our Branko.

Text author: Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević, Full Professor