All posts by Dragan Matic

Student Organization

Student Organization of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SOFNSM)

The Student Organization of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was established in 1997. It brings together students from various study programs and provides them with a foundation for active participation and collective action. This body represents the voice of students and aims to guide their interests, enrich their student experience, and promote collaboration within the student community.

The Student Organization enables students to actively participate in various social, educational, and cultural initiatives. It organizes different events, workshops, seminars, and extracurricular activities that enrich the student experience and support their development.

Through its activities and projects, the Student Organization at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics creates an inclusive community that supports diversity, allowing students to express their ideas, share experiences, and develop personal and professional skills. This organization is a key pillar for the student community and promotes collaboration, teamwork, and social activism.

Links to SOPMF social networks: Instagram, Facebook.

Administrative Services

Administrative Services

In addition to the educational-scientific and scientific-research units of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Faculty’s Statute establishes the existence of the Faculty Secretariat. The Secretariat is tasked with performing administrative-executive, legal, financial, material, general, auxiliary-technical, and other duties to fully achieve the goals of the Faculty. Within the Secretariat, three services are formed: Student Affairs Service, Financial and Material Affairs Service, and General and Legal Affairs Service. The Library, as an organizational unit, has a certain degree of autonomy but is also connected with the Faculty Secretariat.
The Secretary of the Faculty oversees the activities of the Secretariat. Branka Trninić ( holds the position of Faculty Secretary. More about administrative services can be found here.

Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Faculty members represent the foundation of our academic excellence.

Our faculty team consists of professors with extensive experience in teaching and research, as well as young researchers and experts from various fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Their dedication to students is reflected in an innovative approach to teaching, mentoring, and guiding research.

Faculty members at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics are not just lecturers; they are mentors, guides through the world of science, ready to encourage critical thinking and a spirit of inquiry in their students. Collaborators at the Faculty actively contribute to scientific research, striving to meet high standards in their respective fields. More about the academic staff at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics can be found here.

This community of lecturers, assistants, and laboratory staff forms the core of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, creating an inspiring environment that fosters research and development. Their commitment to their work makes the Faculty not only a place of learning but also a source of continuous inspiration for future generations of scientists and professionals. More about collaborators and laboratory staff can be found here.

Scientific and Teaching Council

Scientific and Teaching Council

The Scientific and Teaching Council of each faculty makes decisions related to the scientific and teaching processes at the faculty. The Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics consists of 50 members. Out of this number, 40 members are teachers and collaborators who are permanently employed at the University on a full-time basis. By delegating an equal number (five) of representatives from each study program, diversity and representation of all areas are ensured. The remaining 10 members are students, who are elected every year in student elections.

This composition allows the Scientific and Teaching Council to be a representative body that reflects diverse interests and perspectives within our academic community. Through a democratic process of selecting representatives, we ensure transparency and the participation of all relevant stakeholders in decision-making at our Faculty.

The list of members of the Scientific and Teaching Council for the academic year 2023/24 can be found


Organization and Management

Organization and Management

Our academic community is organized through study programs. The Study Program Council consists of teachers and collaborators employed in that study program. The Study Program Council is responsible for shaping the curriculum, proposing decisions on the engagement of teachers and collaborators, and providing guidelines for quality academic practice. Through collaboration and dialogue, council members contribute to the continuous improvement and adaptation of the program to meet the challenges of modern science and the needs of the job market. Generally, decisions made by the Study Program Council are forwarded to the Scientific and Teaching Council for further adoption procedures.

With eight study programs and numerous profiles, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (PMF) offers a rich learning experience that encourages diversity of interests and guides students towards achieving individual goals. This diversity allows us to create a creative and dynamic environment that supports interdisciplinary research, innovation, and continuous evolution in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences.

More information about the Study Programs can be found in the


About the Faculty

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was established by the decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska on September 12, 1996. FNSM emerged as a separation of a group of natural sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, with its origins in the Pedagogical Academy and the Higher Pedagogical School founded in Banja Luka in 1950, where basic groups of natural and social sciences existed.

The building of the former Teacher Training School at 2 Mladen Stojanović Street was assigned to FNSM. It enrolled 287 regular and 389 part-time students, with classes commencing on October 7, 1996. The position of dean has been held by Prof. Dr. Zdravko Marijanac, Prof. Dr. Rajko Gnjato, and Prof. Dr. Goran Trbić. More about the history of PMF can be found in the Monograph.



The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka is one of the institutions covering the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences in the Republic of Srpska. The study programs at the Faculty enable the realization of educational and scientific research work, contributing to the development of knowledge in the field of natural sciences and the application of research results in teaching and practice.

Educational activities are carried out in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and the principles of the Bologna Process. Within the study programs, according to the curriculum, subjects are organized as one-semester and two-semester courses. Each subject is assigned a specific number of ECTS points, and the total number of ECTS per semester is 30. The studies are organized in cycles. The first cycle (undergraduate studies) lasts four years, the second (master’s studies) one year, and the third (doctoral studies) three years.

Scientific research is implemented through theoretical and experimental research conducted by our staff in collaboration with a large number of scientists worldwide. We take pride in significant scientific results achieved in the previous period, leading to the recognition of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics as an important scientific research institution in the country and beyond.

Student mobility

Student Mobility

Student mobility represents a crucial component of the modern education system, offering students a unique opportunity to gain valuable experiences beyond their home institution. Student mobility encourages diversity, enhances language skills, fosters mutual understanding, and promotes interculturality. Additionally, internships and practical training abroad provide students with the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in the real world, acquiring practical skills and expanding their professional network.

One key aspect of student mobility is exchange programs, where students have the opportunity to study abroad and explore different cultures. Students from the University of Banja Luka can apply to various student exchange programs. The program that offers the most opportunities for exchange is Erasmus+ (KA107) – International Credit Exchange. A significant number of our students have utilized this program for exchanges, and the feedback upon completion has been exceptionally positive. Applications for mobility programs within the Erasmus+ (KA107) program are based on open calls at the faculty or university level. Within this program, student exchange can last from three (3) to 12 months for study purposes and from two (2) to 12 months for internships.

Students can also apply for calls within the CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) network. These activities are carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The implementation of this program continues in the coming years through the realization of the CEEPUS III program. Visit the page for more information.

Students from the University of Banja Luka can also engage in internships abroad through the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (AESTE). The link to the AESTE exchange platform is

Science Popularization

Science Popularization

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) is dedicated to bringing the fascinating world of science to all generations, with a special emphasis on the youngest. This commitment aims to stimulate curiosity and discover the wonders of nature and mathematics in an accessible and exciting way.

FNSM has the privilege of having various spaces that further enrich the learning experience. The faculty’s aquarium represents a fascinating world of aquatic ecosystems, providing visitors with insights into the richness and diversity of the underwater world.

In addition, FNSM has a planetarium that opens the doors to the infinite world of astronomy. Visitors can enjoy fascinating projections of the night sky, planetary systems, and other astronomical wonders, experiencing an unforgettable journey of exploring the universe.

As part of its initiatives, FNSM organizes Mathematics Days, a special event dedicated to discovering the wonders of mathematics through various activities, competitions, and workshops. This event aims to foster a love for mathematics among visitors and highlight the fun and interesting side of this scientific discipline.

FNSM also actively participates in the “Science Festival,” a significant event that brings together scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts. Through interactive exhibitions, lectures, and experiments, FNSM contributes to spreading scientific literacy and encouraging a spirit of exploration among festival visitors.

Publishing Activities

Publishing Activities

Publishing activities at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) play a crucial role in disseminating scientific knowledge and supporting education. FNSM publishes professional publications and textbooks, providing students, researchers, and the general public with access to relevant information. In this way, it not only enriches knowledge in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences but also supports the faculty’s mission to share research achievements and promote further scientific growth.

FNSM is the publisher of a significant number of educational and scientific publications. The publishing plan for FNSM in 2024 is available here, while the report on the implementation of publishing activities for 2023 can be found here.

Electronic editions are available on the ePublications page.