All posts by Dragan Matic


Conferences and Symposiums

A large number of scientific conferences, symposiums, student conferences, and similar events have been organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In addition to raising the level of scientific work at the Faculty, these activities contribute to the exchange of ideas and the establishment of collaboration with similar related institutions, making a significant contribution to the development of scientific research in the wider community. Furthermore, scientific conferences provide an excellent opportunity to introduce young researchers to scientific work and connect with leading scientists in the field. Among the conferences and events organized by FNSM, the following can be highlighted:




FNSM is the publisher of the scientific journal ACTA SCIENTIFICA BALCANICA, which publishes papers in the fields of natural, mathematical and computer sciences. More information about the journal is available on the journal’s page.

FNSM is a co-publisher of the journal Herald, which publishes papers in the field of geography and related disciplines.

FNSM is a co-publisher of the journal Mat-Kol, which accepts papers for publication in the methodology of teaching mathematics and computer science, mathematical education, philosophy and history of mathematics, theoretical and applied mathematics and computer science related to teaching, as well as original scientific papers in the field of mathematics and computer science.


Collaboration with Industry

Collaboration with Industry

Collaboration between the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) and industry creates a bridge between theory and practice, ensuring the relevance of education and research. FNSM is a source of experts in the fields of natural, mathematical, and computer sciences, and collaboration with the industry provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships, workshops, and projects. This direct contact with the business world allows students to enhance their skills and adapt to the real challenges of working in the industry.
FNSM collaborates with numerous partners from the industry. Collaboration is established based on agreements on business and technical cooperation, and it is implemented through a series of joint activities to transfer knowledge between the academic and business communities, fostering innovation and contributing to overall economic development.

You can find a list of all industry partners here.


Scientific collaboration

Collaboration plays a key role in the development and progress of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM). By establishing partnerships with renowned institutions worldwide, FNSM creates a dynamic environment that encourages the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and resources.
FNSM has signed collaboration agreements with a large number of faculties and other research institutions from the country, the region, and Europe. More information about FNSM’s partners from the country and the region is available here.

In addition to domestic and regional partners, FNSM also has numerous international partners. Details about international partners are available here. More information about international collaboration is available on the International Collaboration page.

Scientific research projects

Scientific Research Projects

A large number of active and completed research projects serve as confirmation of the activities and expertise of the staff at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) in terms of high-quality scientific research. The implementation of projects contributes to the better material and technical equipment that provides opportunities for cutting-edge research and collaboration between the Faculty and domestic and international institutions. Additionally, working on projects is a significant segment in the process of introducing young researchers to science.
More information about active national projects can be found here. Information about active international projects is available here.

Projects that have been completed in the previous period are accessible here.

Support for writing and implementing projects comes from the Office for Scientific Research and Development.

Which degrees can be obtained after completing undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics?

Which degrees can be obtained after completing undergraduate studies at the FNSM?

The title obtained after completing the FNSM depends on the choice of the study program and the selection of the study program’s direction.

By studying one of the teaching directions, you earn the title of a professor for specific subject(s), while choosing the general direction earns you the title of a graduate in a particular scientific field.

I want to become..



Closing of the successfully implemented project “Small School of Physics”

On Friday, December 22, 2023, in the amphitheater of our faculty, the closing ceremony of the successfully implemented project “Small School of Physics” took place.

The project was led by the teaching staff of the Physics Study Program and representatives of the Citizens’ Association “BOSON.” The project was supported by the Republic Pedagogical Institute and co-financed by the City of Banja Luka. Over the past period, about 200 students from seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of elementary schools located in the territory of Banja Luka participated in tailored training to master the procedures and methods of measurement through direct experimental work in the laboratory. Under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Dragana Malivuk Gak, Assoc. Dr. Snjezana Dupljanin, and Mr. Bojan Kovacevic, along with the assistance of associates, laboratory staff, and students, students developed critical thinking skills, and they had the opportunity to master the systematization, analysis, and discussion of results obtained in experiments, with the adapted use of statistical software packages. The preparation and implementation of project activities lasted for six months.

In the introductory part of the program, the project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Dragana Malivuk Gak, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, expressing gratitude to all project participants for successful collaboration and dedicated work. She expressed satisfaction with the successful achievement of set goals in recent months and presented certificates of appreciation to project partners, school representatives, and all those who enthusiastically contributed to the successful implementation of the project.

Next, astrophysicist Assoc. Dr. Nemanja Rakic delivered a scientific-popular lecture titled “A Short Story about the Universe.” During the lecture, the audience had the opportunity to learn about current findings on the mysterious universe, its structure, galaxies, star formation, supernova explosions, black holes, and numerous objects and phenomena that inhabit this partially visible and known space to us. The lecture aimed to stimulate interest in this area of research, expanding our knowledge of the cosmos and the possibilities to better understand our position and role in this magnificent cosmic environment, leaving room to discover new chapters.

Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Industry: Three New Agreements on Collaboration with Domestic Industry

Following modern trends in higher education development, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNSM) aims to connect students’ research, especially in their final papers and during professional internships, to the industry.

With mutual satisfaction from the existing collaboration, significant agreements on scientific and technical cooperation have been signed with three domestic companies: “Kona,” “Kolorit,” and “Prizma Komerc.” Student internships and final papers have already been realized with the companies “Kolorit” and “Prizma Komerc,” including visits, particularly for students studying chemistry and environmental protection.

Video is available at

The agreement will provide a framework for further expanding research topics, domestic materials, raw materials, innovations, and environmental protection efforts invested by these companies. The company “Kona” is a newer partner that follows research in the field of nanocarbon materials conducted at the FNSM with interest. Their modern production capacities for wood pyrolysis offer opportunities for further development of new materials, emphasizing a sustainable, domestic raw material supply chain.

These three new partnerships are crucial for the overall work of the faculty and from the perspective of our coordinating project, DeepGreenInno, funded by the EIT Health, where we strengthen the capacity for research as well as education in innovation and entrepreneurship for our students.

Documentary film “Russian Emigration in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century – Russians in Bileća”

The documentary film “Russian Emigration in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century – Russians in Bileća,” created by Dejan Puhala and Prof. Dr. Mira Mandić at the Department of Spatial Planning and the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka, was screened in Rostov (Russian Federation).

The film was presented on the occasion of marking the 140th anniversary of the existence of the Don Cadet Cossack Corps “Emperor Alexander III,” an elite military school whose members emigrated to the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia after the October Revolution.

For several years, the military school operated in Bileća and had a significant impact on the cultural development of Bileća and its surroundings. The film provides an overview of Serbian-Russian historical ties with a special focus on Russian emigration and the Don Corps in Bileća.

Call for Participation in the INDUSAC Project

A call for participation in the INDUSAC project is now open, funded through the Horizon Europe program.

This is an opportunity for students and researchers at the University of Banja Luka to actively engage in collaborative research with industrial partners through the INDUSAC project, gaining practical experience and contributing to the latest research.

The project aims to stimulate the development of digital and industrial technologies focused on ethics. This initiative seeks to facilitate short-term research collaboration, lasting from four to eight weeks, between the academic community, students, researchers, and industrial companies to address real-world challenges.

Teams need to be formed to jointly create projects, and motivation letters should be submitted by January 31. MORE…