Successfully completed professional internship of the Computer Science program in the winter semester of 2023/24.

During the winter semester, fourth-year students of the Computer Science program had the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience through various activities as part of the Professional Practice course.

A workshop with the human resources team of m:tel company was held on November 8, 2023, in the computer room of the FNSM. Through this workshop, students gained insight into the candidate selection process when applying for a job, from the initial steps of writing a CV and application to the interview, thus familiarizing themselves with this important aspect of modern business. More details about the workshop can be found on the web-page of Study program Mathematics and Computer Science, as well as in m:tel’s announcement.

Another obligation of the students was an internship at m:tel company, from November 20 to December 1, on weekdays. The focus of the internship was on the topic “Data Life Cycle,” providing students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in data management in all phases of the data life cycle. More details about the internship at m:tel can be found here.

A lecture on “Banking in the Digitalization Era” was held on December 27, 2023, when colleagues from Addiko Bank – Slađan Stanić, a member of the Bank’s Management Board, and Vladimir Telebak, Director of the Household Risk Management Department, were hosted in the computer room of the FNSM. Interesting lectures allowed students to gain insight into the banking industry and the importance of the role of mathematicians and computer scientists in banking digitalization.

The mentioned activities provided students with concrete insights into the practical applications of computer skills in real business environments, contributing to their professional development and preparation for future challenges in the industry.

On this occasion, we would like to thank our partners – m:tel company and Addiko Bank, for their support in the realization of the mentioned activities, and we congratulate our students on the successful completion of their professional internships!

Text author: Dr. Milana Grbić, Assistant Professor
Pictures: m:tel and Addiko Bank

Cooperation with the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Dekić, and Dean of the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Prof. Dr. Velimir Šećerov, signed the Agreement on Cooperation between these two educational institutions on February 23, 2024.

As outlined in the Agreement, these two educational institutions will collaborate on exchanging information regarding the overall curriculum and educational programs. The cooperation also entails the exchange of personnel, scientific publications, specialized literature, and circulars, which will provide continuous updates on the institutions’ achievements. Additionally, they will collaborate on implementing scientific research projects, jointly organizing conferences and symposiums, as well as exploring other forms of cooperation.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević

Bilateral cooperation with the Faculty of Logistics at the University of Maribor

The coordinator of cooperation from the Republic of Srpska, Professor Dr. Tanja Mišlicki-Tomić from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, met with the coordinator from the Republic of Slovenia, Associate Professor Dr. Lazar Pavić from the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor. The occasion of the meeting was the initiation of activities on the two-year project “Agrotourism as Logistic Support to the Sustainability of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Srpska”.

Source: RTRS

Joint fieldwork and exchange of knowledge and information will help assess the sustainable agrotourism offer of the Republic of Srpska, and based on examples of good practice from Slovenia, provide guidelines for improvement. Also present at the meeting was the coordinator for academic exchange in the CEEPUS III „Tourism and Agriculture Sustainable Alliances – #TASA network“, Professor Dr. Irena Medar Tanjga from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Banja Luka. Exchanges of students and teaching staff and other forms of academic cooperation were agreed upon.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mišlicki Tomić

Professor Dr. Draško Marinković delivered a lecture on the demographic picture of the Republic of Srpska

Dr. Draško Marinković, a full professor in the Department of Geography, delivered a lecture titled “Demographic Profile of Republika Srpska – Status and Perspectives” on February 21, 2024, at the Faculty of Philosophy as part of the “Wednesday at the Faculty of Philosophy” series.

During the lecture, the professor provided a comprehensive analysis of Republika Srpska’s demographic situation over the past twenty years, focusing on natural depopulation, rapid aging, and continuous emigration of the working-age and fertile population. He also presented projections for demographic development until 2050 and suggested a series of strategic measures to improve the demographic outlook.

In addition to university faculty, staff, and students from the University of Banja Luka, the lecture attracted a significant number of journalists, underscoring the importance of the topic.

The news about Professor Marinković’s lecture, which was published on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, can be read here.

Text author: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Petrašević

Invitation to participate in the Mentorship Program for Women in Cyber Security

The Cyber Security Excellence Centre (CSEC), in collaboration with partners from the academic, banking, and IT sectors, invites all interested women aged 16 to 26 to apply for participation in the Mentorship Program for Women in Cyber Security – #WomanInCybersecurityBH.

The program is designed as a strategic initiative to address the underrepresentation of women in the domain of cyber security in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By creating a structured environment for knowledge sharing and guidance, the program aims to stimulate growth, empowerment, and the creation of opportunities for women who want to advance or start a career in the field of cyber security.

Applications can be submitted via Google Form. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024.

The registered candidates are required to attend the ‘Mentorship Kick Off Event,’ which will take place on March 8th and 9th at Forest Resort Tarčin. All transportation, refreshments, and accommodation expenses are covered.

For more information about the call, please read here.

Prize competition of the Nenad M. Kostić Fund for the best master’s and graduate theses in the field of pure and applied chemistry

Fund Nenad M. Kostić for Chemical Sciences has announced a competition for the best master’s and graduate theses in the field of pure and applied chemistry, which were defended in the period from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. The text of the competition is available here.

The competition is open from February 15 to April 5, 2024. Candidates apply for the competition themselves, using this form.

The monetary prizes will amount to 1150 and 1000 euros respectively. Unrewarded candidates will each receive one graphic sheet of Serbian visual artists. The fund intends to award an out-of-competition prize of 1150 euros of its choice, without registering a candidate.

Send the application and mandatory attachments to the e-mail address:

Lectures on “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna – Science and Education”

Renowned physicist Prof. Dr. Yuri Panebrattsev will hold a lecture titled “Unified Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna – Science and Education” on February 23, 2024, at 12:00 PM in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka.

Panebrattsev is a distinguished physicist who heads the scientific-experimental department for fundamental research at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research based in the Russian city of Dubna.

This institute is the most prestigious institute for nuclear research in Russia, conducting a wide range of research in addition to nuclear physics, including the exploration of new materials, nanotechnology, biology, and various analytical techniques.

The Russian institute already collaborates with various institutions in Serbia on around 20 projects. This provides architects, technologists, archaeologists, ecologists, and nuclear physicists with the opportunity to conduct various research at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

This lecture at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is an opportunity for Prof. Panebrattsev to present the Institute and establish contacts between our researchers and this prestigious institution.

Yuri Panebrattsev holds a doctorate in physics and mathematics and is the author of several textbooks and over 150 scientific papers. He is a participant in major international projects studying the properties of nuclear matter under extreme conditions. He is also the initiator and leader of an international scientific-educational project for students of natural sciences called the “Online Science Classroom.”

Text retrieved from the UNIBL website.

Important Enrollment Dates for 2024.

The University of Banja Luka has announced important enrollment dates for the year 2024. The same dates apply for enrollment at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics:

Announcement of Competition: June 12, 2024.

Document Submission: From June 24 to June 28, 2024.

Entrance Exam: July 1, 2024.

Enrollment: From July 8 to July 12, 2024.

More details can be found here. For more information on what and how to study at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, you can read on the Enrollment page.

Lectures on “Demographic Picture of Republika Srpska” at the Faculty of Philosophy

Professor Drashko Marinkovic from Department of Geography will hold lectures on Wednesday, February 21, at the Faculty of Philosophy on the topic “Demographic Picture of Republika Srpska”. The lectures will be part of the “Wednesday at the Faculty of Philosophy” activities, in Amphitheater 203, starting at 12 o’clock. More information is available in the announcement from the Faculty of Philosophy – here.