Entrance Exam Results at FNSM!

Entrance Exam Results for Enrollment in the First Year of the First Cycle of Studies at FNSM are:

Congratulations to all candidates who have qualified for enrollment at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics!
For enrollment instructions, please find the announcement at this link.

Instructions for Enrollment at FNSM!

Enrollment of accepted candidates will be conducted from July 8th to 12th. Candidates should bring the following items:

  1. Two photographs (50mm x 60mm)
  2. Medical certificate with a psychologist’s report
  3. Proofs of payment

Important Note:

Students who are financed by the budget should make two separate payments:

  • Fee for semester enrollment (42 BAM)
  • Fee for index and enrollment materials (20 BAM)

Students who are self-financed should make three separate payments:

  • Fee for semester enrollment (42 BAM)
  • Fee for index and enrollment materials (20 BAM)
  • Tuition fee (500 BAM)

All payment instructions are as follows:

Instructions for payment of the semester enrollment fee

IZNOS 42,00 KM 
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76   Unikredit banka a.d. Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82   Nova banka a.d.Banja Luka
Svrha uplate: administrativni troškovi
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate: 0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije visokog obrazovanja
Poziv na broj:0000000333

Instructions for payment – index and enrollment materials

IZNOS 20,00 KM 
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76    Unikredit banka a.d.Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82    Nova banka a.d. Banja Luka 
Svrha uplate: indeks i upisni materijal
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate: 0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije visokog obrazovanja
Poziv na broj : 0000000333

Instructions for payment of tuition fee – applies only to self-financed students

IZNOS 500,00 KM
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 551 - 001 - 00009070 - 76    Unikredit banka a.d.Banja Luka
ŽIRO RAČUN BR: 555 – 000 – 06053684 – 82    Nova banka a.d. Banja Luka 
Svrha uplate: školarina
BROJ PORESKOG OBVEZNIKA: jedinstven matični broj studenta
Vrsta uplate:0- redovna uplata
PRIMALAC: račun posebnih namjena za institucije  visokog obrazovanja
VRSTA PRIHODA: 722512          
Poziv na broj:0000000222

Room Schedule for Entrance Exams at FNSM!

We inform all candidates that the entrance exam at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will be held on Monday, July 1st, starting at 9 AM. The rooms for the exams are allocated as follows:

  • Study Program Biology (Graduate Biologist, Graduate Professor of Biology): Room 21
  • Study Program Geography (Graduate Professor of Geography, Graduate Geographer – Geographic Information Systems, Graduate Geographer – Tourism): Room 7
  • Study Program Ecology and Environmental Protection (Graduate Ecologist): Room 21
  • Study Program Mathematics and Computer Science (Graduate Mathematician and Informatician, Graduate Informatician, Graduate Professor of Mathematics and Informatics): Amphitheater
  • Study Program Spatial Planning (Graduate Spatial Planner): Room 8
  • Study Program Technical Education and Informatics (Graduate Professor of Technical Education and Informatics): Room 20
  • Study Program Physics (Graduate Physicist, Graduate Professor of Physics): Room 14
  • Study Program Chemistry (Graduate Chemist, Graduate Professor of Chemistry): Room 9

We kindly ask all candidates to arrive on time and bring all necessary documents.

Details about the admission contest at PMF can be found here.
More information about what you can study at PMF is available on the Enrollment page.

We wish all candidates the best of luck on the entrance exam!

Details about the admission contest for the FNSM 2024/25!

Naravno, evo celog teksta prevedenog na engleski jezik s očuvanim HTML kodom:

The admission contest for enrollment in the first year of the first, second, and third cycle of studies for the academic year 2024/25 has been announced.

Enrollment quotas for the first cycle of studies at the Faculty of Sciences are:

Study program Biology: 15 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Biologist
  • Graduated Professor of Biology
Study program Geography: 35 (budget-funded), 4 (foreign students)
  • Graduated Professor of Geography
  • Graduated Geographer – Geographic Information Systems
  • Graduated Geographer – Tourism Studies
Study program Ecology and Environmental Protection: 10 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Ecologist
Study program Mathematics and Computer Science: 50 (budget-funded), 5 (self-financing)
  • Graduated Mathematician and Informatician
  • Graduated Informatician
  • Graduated Professor of Mathematics and Informatics
Study program Spatial Planning: 15 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Spatial Planner
Study program Technical Education and Informatics: 10 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Professor of Technical Education and Informatics
Study program Physics: 15 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Physicist
  • Graduated Professor of Physics
Study program Chemistry: 12 (budget-funded)
  • Graduated Chemist
  • Graduated Professor of Chemistry

Required documents:

When enrolling/applying for the first cycle of studies, the application form must be submitted along with the following documents:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Citizenship certificate not older than 6 months;
  • Original certificates of completed secondary education and the original diploma of the final exam (or a certified copy if applying to two or more study programs);
  • Proof of payment of the admission exam fee;

The application form can be obtained at the student service.

Instructions for payment of the admission exam fee

AMOUNT: 70.00 BAM 
RECIPIENT: University of Banja Luka Own Revenue Account
BANK ACCOUNT NO: 555-000-06053684-82 at Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka
BANK ACCOUNT NO: 551-001-00009070-76 at Unicredit Bank a.d. Banja Luka
Purpose of payment: for the qualification exam
Type of payment: 0 - regular payment
Type of income: 722512
Municipality: 002
Budget organization: 1250009
Reference number: 0000000333
Taxpayer number: candidate's identification number

The complete text of the contest and details about enrollment in the second and third cycle are available at this link.

More details about enrollment at the Faculty of Sciences are available on the Enrollment page.

All About Enrollment at the FNSM 2024!

At the FNSM, you can study all natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science. The degree you obtain upon graduation depends on the choice of study program and the chosen direction within the study program. By clicking on the degrees listed below, a page containing all the information will open.

By studying at the Faculty of Science, you can become:

Important Dates for Enrollment in 2024:

  • Announcement of the competition: June 12, 2024
  • Submission of documents: June 24 – 28, 2024
  • Entrance exam: July 1, 2024
  • Enrollment: July 8 – 12, 2024

Preparatory Classes:
Preparatory classes are organized in mathematics and chemistry and started on May 11, 2024. You can find the schedule for the preparatory classes here.

You can find more details about enrollment at the Faculty of Science on the Enrollment page.

Fieldwork for Physics Students

During the period from June 3rd to June 7th, 2024, a fieldwork was conducted in Belgrade for third and fourth-year students of Physics study program. This five-day study journey included visits to prominent scientific institutions covering a wide range of research topics, thus providing students with deeper insights into various fields of physics. The fieldwork was led by Assistant Bojan Kovačević, MSc.

The first day of the study trip was dedicated to astronomical and astrophysical content. During visits to the Astronomical Observatory on Zvezdara and the Planetarium at Kalemegdan, students expanded their knowledge about the structure of the universe and observation techniques, as well as contemporary space telescopes such as the Hubble Telescope and the James Webb Telescope.

Subsequently, they visited the Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča,” where they acquired deeper knowledge of various methods of material synthesis and characterization, and also had the opportunity to attend lectures on theoretical physics topics (covering theories of gravity and condensed matter theories).

As part of the visit to the Faculty of Physics at the University of Belgrade, students visited the crystal growth laboratory and the laboratory for testing the dielectric properties of materials, providing them with an overview of different methods for examining material surfaces and their properties, spectroscopic methods, as well as the opportunity to work with electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes, X-ray diffraction analysis devices, and numerous others. Additionally, a lecture was conducted by the leaders of the research group in the field of particle physics, quantum fields, and gravity, during which students were introduced to the details of the group’s active project.

Deeper knowledge and experience in the areas of atomic and molecular physics, collision processes, lasers, optics, ionized gases, and biophysics were acquired during the visit to the Institute of Physics in Zemun.

The conducted fieldwork proved to be an impressive experience for the students, providing them not only with theoretical and practical knowledge but also enabling interaction with experts from various fields and encouraging their further academic growth. 

Author of the text: Bojan Kovačević, MSc


The sixth term of preparatory classes and the mock entrance exam in mathematics!

The sixth term of preparatory mathematics classes will be held on Saturday, June 15th. The topic for this session is combinatorics. The class will be held in the amphitheater starting at 10 AM.

As previously announced, the mock entrance exam in mathematics will be held on June 22th. More information and the registration form for the mock entrance exam are available at this link. The mock entrance exam is solely for preparation purposes and does not constitute an official assessment. Participation in the mock entrance exam is free.

For any additional information, feel free to send an inquiry to matinf@pmf.unibl.org.

Field Study of Students in the Urban Area of the City of Banja Luka

On Friday, June 7, 2024, third-year students of the Spatial Planning study program within the Urban Geography course, and first-year students of the Geography (Tourismology) study program within the Tourist Geography course, had the opportunity to learn about the historical-geographical and contemporary urban development and spatial organization of the city of Banja Luka in the field.

The students were introduced to the historical and cultural development of the City from the Roman, medieval, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian periods, through the era of the Vrbas Banovina, and up to the contemporary period.

In addition to the most significant cultural-historical monuments of the City and its historical heritage as tourist attractions, the students visited the historical core of the City, the Kastel fortress, and the Vrbas Banovina museum exhibition at the Banski Dvor during the field study.

The students analyzed the urban concept and approach to the tourist valorization of the City on-site.

The field study was conducted by professors and associates of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka:

– Dr. Mira Mandić, Full Professor

– Dr. Aleksandar Majić, Senior Assistant

– Mr. Dragica Delić, Senior Assistant

Authors of the text: Dr. Mira Mandić, Full Professor and Dr. Aleksandar Majić  

Photographs: Mr. Dragica Delić

The World Environment Day marked

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka celebrates the World Environment Day every year, which is the largest international event focused on the environment, with the aim of drawing public attention to numerous environmental problems and the need to preserve and improve the environment.

On June 5, 2024, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska organized a thematic discussion on the occasion of the World Environment Day. On this occasion, professors from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka held appropriate lectures in the premises of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, on the topic:

– Circular economy – role and importance in environmental protection (Dr. Dušica Pešević, Associate Professor);
– Polymers in the environment – from biomaterials to microplastics (Dr. Milica Balaban, Associate Professor).

The thematic debate was attended by distinguished academicians of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, representatives of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology, representatives of the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage, representatives of the non-governmental organization Center for the Environment, professors and students of the Faculty of Science of the University of Banja Luka, as well as other guests.

Author of the text: Dr. Dušica Pešević, Associate Professor

The fifth term of preparatory classes and a mock entrance exam in mathematics!

The fifth term of preparatory classes in mathematics will be held on Saturday, June 8th. The topic for this term is analytic geometry. The classes will be held in the computer lab starting at 9 AM.

After this term, there is one more session planned for Saturday, June 15th. Additionally, on June 22nd, after the completion of the preparatory classes, a mock entrance exam will be held. More information and the application form for the mock entrance exam are available at this link. The mock entrance exam is solely for preparation purposes and does not constitute an official assessment. Participation in the mock entrance exam is free of charge.

For any additional information, feel free to send an inquiry to matinf@pmf.unibl.org.